XII International symposiums "Forier series and applications" (2022 May 25th – June 03rd).
Organizers of symposium:
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, South Federal University.
Programm committee of symposium:
Acad. of RAS B.S. Kashin (chief), Acad. of RAS S.V. Konyagin, prof. A.V. Abanin, prof. B.I. Golubov, prof. I.Ya. Novikov, prof. M.A. Skopina, prof. A.P. Khromov(Russia), prof. V.G. Krotov (Belarus), prof. A.M. Olevsky (Israel).
Organizing committee of symposium:
Prof. prof. A.A. Shkalikov (chairman), prof. M.I. Dyachenko, prof. A.N. Karapetyants (vice chairman), prof. T.P. Lukashenko, prof. V.A. Skvortsov, prof. S.A. Telyakovsky, prof. L.V. Novikova (secretary).
The sections of the symposium:
Section 1. Fourier series and Fourier transform.
Section 2. Fourier series in orthogonal systems.
Section 3. Orthogonal polynomials and their applications.
Section 4. Wavelets and their applications.
Section 5. Generalizations and applications of the Fourier series.
The International symposiums "Forier series and applications" are held biennial by South Federal University шт common with Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. The symposiums are held at the International conference "Mathematics. Economics. Education" at the camp "Moryak" (Saylor) near Novorossiysk. At the beginning of each symposium the abstracts of thesis are published. The first International symposiums "Forier series and applications" was held May 26th - June 01st 1999, the second symposium was held in 2002, the third symposium was held in 2005, the fourth symposium was held in 2006, the fifth symposium was held in 2008, the sixth symposium was held in 2010, the seventh symposium was held in 2012, the eighth symposium was held in 2014, the ninth symposium was held in 2016.
Academician S.M. Nikolsky, corr. member of RAS P.L. Ulyanov, corr. member RAS BS Kashin, Acad. of Armenian Academy of Sciences A.A. Talalyan, Acad. of Georgian Academy of Sciences L.V. Zhizhiashvili, professors I.L. Bloshanskii, S.V. Bochkarev (Russia), P. Butzer (Germany), A.M. Olevskii (Israel), V.P. Kondakov, S.V. Konyagin, I.Ya. Novikov, A.M. Sedletskii, M.A. Skopina(Russia), V.G. Krotov (Belarus), K.I. Oskolkov (USA), R.M. Trigub, E.A. Storozenko (Ukraine) were Program Committee members.
Professors B.I. Golubov (chairman), M.I. Dyachenko, A.V. Efimov, Y.F. Korobeynik (Vice Chairman), T.P. Lukashenko, V.A. Skvortsov, S.A. Telyakovskiı, L.V. Novikova (secretary) were Organazing Committee members.
Lecturers and reporters on symposia were M.S. Agranovich, V.A. Andrienko, N.Y. Antonov, R.G. Barantsev, E.I. Berezhnoy, S.V. Bochkarev, B.G. Vakulov, B.I. Golubov, M.I. Dyachenko, A.V. Efimov, V.V. Zhuk, V.I. Ivanov, A.N. Karapetyants, V.P. Kondakov, S.V. Konyagin, Y.F. Korobeynik, V.G. Krotov, T.P. Lukashenko, S.F. Lukomsky, I.Ya. Novikov, B.P. Osilenker, B.I. Peleshenko, A.S. Pospelov, V.Y. Protasov, E.A. Rovba, A.I. Rubinstein, S.G. Samko, A.M. Sedletsky, V.A. Skvortsov, M.A. Skopina, E.A. Storozenko, N. Temirgaliev, N.N. Kholshchevnikova and many other famous mathematicians. At the VIII symposium was attended about 100 participants.
1. To participate(the registration is opened from 2022 March 15th)